Layer1: Meer Network

Meer Network, a fundamental infrastructure of Qitmeer Network, is built on the innovative MeerDAG consensus protocol and the UTXO data model to create a PoW public blockchain. It enables parallel transaction processing and rapid confirmations while maintaining network decentralization and stability. Considered the "core engine" of Qitmeer Network, it provides the impetus for continuous development and innovation.

High-performance PoW base network:

  • The Meer Network is supported by the PoW consensus mechanism, establishing a robust foundation for the blockchain.

  • Network security and trustworthiness are maintained through node computational power.

  • The design of this distributed node network significantly reduces the risk of single point failures while ensuring decentralization and stability.

Graph-based ledger structure:

  • Meer Network adopts the BlockDAG structure, unlike traditional linear blockchains.

  • This structure allows multiple transactions to be processed in parallel and confirmed rapidly, greatly enhancing the overall network performance.

  • This capability enables Meer Network to handle high transaction concurrency while preserving decentralization and security.

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